Tampere University Hospital refurbishment, A, B, P and K buildings, Tampere

Tampere University Hospital refurbishment, A, B, P and K buildings, Tampere

The final stage of the refurbishment of Tampere University Hospital is underway. The oldest buildings in the hospital area, buildings A, B, P and K, are the next to be repaired. These buildings house many of the hospital’s central functions, such as operating rooms and the ICU. After the preliminary planning stage, project planning will be carried out next. The construction stage of the first section is slated to begin in 2024.




Pirkanmaan sairaanhoitopiiri


Hospitals and healthcare facilities, Acoustical design, Traffic planning, Foundation engineering, Indoor air and building health


160 000 brm²


220 M€



Our other references

Kymenlaakso Central Hospital, Building G

Kymenlaakso Central Hospital, Building G

Seinäjoki Central Hospital’s new pediatric unit, Seinäjoki

Seinäjoki Central Hospital’s new pediatric unit, Seinäjoki

Katriina hospital, renovation of B and C sections, Helsinki

Katriina hospital, renovation of B and C sections, Helsinki

The Tampere Tunnel, Tampere

The Tampere Tunnel, Tampere

Kuopio University Hospital Puijo, Kuopio

Kuopio University Hospital Puijo, Kuopio

Tipotie social services and health centre, Tampere

Tipotie social services and health centre, Tampere