Kuopio University Hospital’s New Heart project (part of hospital reforms), Kuopio

Kuopio University Hospital’s New Heart project (part of hospital reforms), Kuopio

The Kuopio university hospital reform project, New Heart, encompasses the renovation of Puijo Hospital’s inpatient wards and the construction of a new nine-storey hospital building between 2018 and 2027. The work will be performed as an alliance project. The wards of the old hospital premises that will undergo renovation during the project were built in the 1950s. The project will be carried out under an alliance model.




Pohjois-Savon hyvinvointialue


Project and construction management, Hospitals and healthcare facilities, Renovation engineering, Foundation engineering, Moisture control, Building information modelin, BIM


66 500 brm²


198.5 M€



Our other references

HUS Siltasairaala hospital, Helsinki

HUS Siltasairaala hospital, Helsinki

Tyks Lighthouse Hospital, Turku

Tyks Lighthouse Hospital, Turku

L building, Tampere University Hospital renovation project 2020, Tampere

L building, Tampere University Hospital renovation project 2020, Tampere

D building, Tampere University Hospital renovation project 2020, Tampere

D building, Tampere University Hospital renovation project 2020, Tampere

Järvenpää Social and Healthcare Centre (JUST), Järvenpää

Järvenpää Social and Healthcare Centre (JUST), Järvenpää

Children’s hospital extension, Helsinki

Children’s hospital extension, Helsinki