Mansikkala School, Imatra

Mansikkala School, Imatra

The school, which will become Finland’s largest wooden school upon completion in 2020, will accommodate 1,350 children and young people. The new school centre will be an airy multi-function complex with healthy indoor air. It will house a maternity clinic, upper secondary school, adult learning centre, youth services, student services and premises for various associations. In its design, special attention was paid to accessibility, noise control, the number and adaptability of teaching spaces, safety and outdoor activities. The wooden school complex will be realised as a life-cycle concept.




YIT Talo Oy


Acoustical design, Acoustical measurements, Acoustical analysis and expert services


16 000 brm²


45 M€



Our other references

Kaarelanraitti day care centre, Vantaa

Kaarelanraitti day care centre, Vantaa

Hirvimetsä kindergarten, Loimaa

Hirvimetsä kindergarten, Loimaa

Valteri school Mäntykangas, Kuopio

Valteri school Mäntykangas, Kuopio

Länsi-Puijo School, Kuopio

Länsi-Puijo School, Kuopio

Unified school an high school of Punkalaidun

Unified school an high school of Punkalaidun

Tapiola Lower and Upper Secondary Schools, Espoo

Tapiola Lower and Upper Secondary Schools, Espoo