Joutseno school, Lappeenranta

Joutseno school, Lappeenranta

Jotseno school is Lappeenranta’s new education centre for 730 pupils, 72 pre-school pupils and seven day-care groups, i.e., for a total of about 1,100 children. An open space in the centre of this wooden building is the heart of the building, serving as a meeting area for the entire school. The premises were designed for diverse teaching methods and they also serve as a venue for various activities for local residents in the evenings. The wooden CLT sheet structure of the exterior walls is visible in the interior spaces.




Lappeenrannan Toimitilat Oy


Wood structures, Schools, educational institutes and day care centres, Structural and element engineering



Our other references

Rõõmupesa kindergarten, Tallinn

Rõõmupesa kindergarten, Tallinn

School of Kyrkfjärden, Inkoo

School of Kyrkfjärden, Inkoo

University of Turku, renovation of the main building

University of Turku, renovation of the main building

Unified school an high school of Punkalaidun

Unified school an high school of Punkalaidun

Turun Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu, Turku

Turun Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu, Turku

SAMK campus, Pori

SAMK campus, Pori