Porin Noormarkun Ruukki Art Museum Amendment, Pori

Porin Noormarkun Ruukki Art Museum Amendment, Pori

The area of the Noormarku Ironworks is one of the most representative and best managed areas of the historical iron industry in our country. The extensive and architecturally high standard complex consists of workers' dwellings, a church, ironworks mansion and villas, as well as associated parkland. Now the aim is to complement this whole with an art museum. The purpose of the change in the city plan is to change the city plan of the area to allow for the construction of an art museum in the area.




A-Ahlström Kiinteistöt Oy


Land use planning



Our other references

Kouvola Korian Hiivuri Land Management Master Plan

Kouvola Korian Hiivuri Land Management Master Plan

Sasi-Mahnala-Laitila-Metsäkulma sub-general formula, Hämeenkyrö

Sasi-Mahnala-Laitila-Metsäkulma sub-general formula, Hämeenkyrö

Valkeakoski, Säkkisaari's plan and master plan

Valkeakoski, Säkkisaari's plan and master plan

City of Raahe centre urban green plan

City of Raahe centre urban green plan

Särkänniemi city plan, Tampere

Särkänniemi city plan, Tampere

Structural engineering for Pekkatori, Raahe

Structural engineering for Pekkatori, Raahe