Vattuniemi, circular economy expert 1a

Vattuniemi, circular economy expert 1a

As a result of changes to its local plan, the City of Helsinki will demolish 16 buildings in Vattuniemi that house mainly offices and replace them with blocks of flats. Commissioning demolition surveys for all the existing buildings, the City wants to utilise materials from these buildings for the construction project. Motiva Services is developing a data platform with a view to promoting the use of demolition materials and collaboration between demolition projects.

AINS Group is participating in the project as an expert on the circular economy. During summer and autumn 2021, the reliability of the demolition surveys was assessed and further clarifications were presented to fine-tune the material data. In addition, project-specific discussions on the operators’ circular economy targets were conducted. A virtual workshop for setting targets was arranged in January 2022, after which the goals for the promotion of the reuse of materials in the Vattuniemi project were set with the operators. In 2022, workshops related to circular economy planning will be arranged with the operators.




Motiva Services


Circular economy consulting


100 000 m²



Our other references

Tampere City Archives, Tampere

Tampere City Archives, Tampere

Skanska BoKlok Keravan Kurkela, Kerava

Skanska BoKlok Keravan Kurkela, Kerava

Housing company Keravan Kuusikulma, Kerava

Housing company Keravan Kuusikulma, Kerava

The Naval Orchestra rehearsal rooms, Turku

The Naval Orchestra rehearsal rooms, Turku

Willa shopping centre, Hyvinkää

Willa shopping centre, Hyvinkää

Viuhka, Helsinki

Viuhka, Helsinki