Päijät-Häme Central Hospital, Lahti

Päijät-Häme Central Hospital, Lahti

We designed the renovation of the Päijät-Häme Central Hospital heart centre and the hospital’s department of physiatry, along with the construction of the hospital’s pharmacy, autopsy department, and central stores.




Päijät-Hämeen sairaanhoitopiiri


Hospitals and healthcare facilities


8 700 m²


15.3 M€



Our other references

Kuopio University Hospital’s New Heart project (part of hospital reforms), Kuopio

Kuopio University Hospital’s New Heart project (part of hospital reforms), Kuopio

Tartu University Hospital Extension, phase 3, Tartu

Tartu University Hospital Extension, phase 3, Tartu

Tampere University Hospital, Clinical Nuclear Medicine and Haematology, Tampere

Tampere University Hospital, Clinical Nuclear Medicine and Haematology, Tampere

Pärnu Hospital Ristiku Healthcare Center, Pärnu

Pärnu Hospital Ristiku Healthcare Center, Pärnu

Katriina hospital, renovation of B and C sections, Helsinki

Katriina hospital, renovation of B and C sections, Helsinki

E building, Tampere University Hospital renovation project 2020, Tampere

E building, Tampere University Hospital renovation project 2020, Tampere