Accession arrangements for Matinkartanontie and Nelikkotie, Espoo

Accession arrangements for Matinkartanontie and Nelikkotie, Espoo

Changing the current circulation interface to a turbo rotation interface and improving the street grid. Included in the softness area the design of new base reinforcements (stabilization, pile slab for water supply). In the design of the bridge, various options were surveyed in collaboration with the subscriber and schools in the area. Planning made plans for elevation of street alignment in the area in the future due to flood protection.





Traffic planning


3.8 M€



Our other references

Highway 4, Kirri-Tikkakoski

Highway 4, Kirri-Tikkakoski

Preparation of general and implementation plans for the yard areas and surroundings of Kiiminkipuisto School, Oulu

Preparation of general and implementation plans for the yard areas and surroundings of Kiiminkipuisto School, Oulu

Koulunmäki traffic plan, Laukaa

Koulunmäki traffic plan, Laukaa

The Tampere Tunnel, Tampere

The Tampere Tunnel, Tampere

Äänekoski roundabouts, Äänekoski

Äänekoski roundabouts, Äänekoski